My story
“This is it?”
Until 2012, I did what was expected of me. I was the good girl and people pleaser. I studied and worked hard. I had my bachelor’s degree. I was in a relationship. I worked full-time for a large telecom company. There was an economic crisis. I was grateful that I had a job at that time. But… every morning, my alarm went off, I went to work, where I looked at this picture, printed out by one of my colleagues. Then I was free, I ate, I slept and my alarm went off again the next morning. Every day, the same again on autopilot. And I thought, “This is it?”
“Is this what I want to do for the rest of my life?”
I felt trapped in a cage. But I wanted to be free. What do I have to do? I drove myself crazy with doubts, insecurities and indecision.

Until I freed myself
But then I made the decision. I took the step to live my own life. Beyond my comfort zone. On to the unknown. Because that’s when you really start living.
I quit my job. I traveled with my then-boyfriend to Asia. In Thailand the relationship ended. 6 months later, I traveled solo through South America. From Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia to Antarctica. The cherry on the cake.
This solo trip changed my life
I went beyond my comfort zone. To the unknown. And I challenged myself:
- I lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina for a month. I made my way in an unfamiliar country and where I didn’t know the language.
- I took an intensive Spanish course for 3 weeks and discovered local life.
- I actively did hikings. From a town in Bolivia with dinosaur footprints to Machu Picchu. Where I got intense food poisoning and had to recover for 3 weeks.
- I jumped out of a plane above Cordoba in Argentina and I fell to the ground at full speed. My heart was beating like never before.
- I climbed the active vulcano Villarica in Chile.

- I was flying in the air and I had a stunning view of the mountains of La Cumbre, Argentina.
- I went rafting on one of the world’s first white-water rivers: Rio Futaleufú in Chile.
- I discovered marvelous nature wonders.
- I reconnected with nature.
- I met beautiful people from all over the world.
- I rediscovered my passion: writing.
But above all:

I reconnected with myself
And I rediscovered myself.
Who am I? Who am I not? What do I like? What did I want to do? And what not.
I developed a strong connection with my intuition.
I lived and traveled from my intuition.
I didn’t exist. NO. I lived!
Living a life of certainty doesn’t work for me.
So, I decided for myself:
Fuck that certainty!
Back in the Netherlands: I started my own business as a content creator. And I have been traveling solo all over the world for more than 10 years.
From my hometown to Croatia. From Spain to Thailand. From Argentina to Antarctica. From Ecuador to Nicaragua. And in 2019, I made another life-changing trip. I traveled solo through India and Nepal.
There, for the 1st time, I came into contact with (vipassana) meditation, singing bowls, and energy healing. After I received an energy healing in Nepal, the fire inside me ignited fully. This, THISSSS… this is what I want to do!

Energy healings
Back in the Netherlands, I decided to take the next step. And I did several healing courses. Now, I offer:
- 1-on-1 Deep Dive Energy Healings
- Group Healings
- Energy Activations
- Online and offline
Release your blockages within. Restore your balance. Heal on a physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual level.
Solo travel coaching
With over 10 years of solo travel experience, I guide you as a solo travel coach from A to Z. So you can make that travel dream: your own solo travel journey come true! I also help you travel safely and confidently as a woman, and rediscover yourself. What I offer:
- 1:1 solo travel coaching
- An online program is currently in development

Work with me
Travel within and out.
Release the blockages within.
Come back to yourself.
I’ll help you with that.
Email me: [email protected]