Compassion key

clear your karmic imprint

Have you tried all kinds of healing modalities?

What often is forgotten…

Every mindset, belief, thought, feeling and behaviour, has a root. You can work on your thoughts, feeling and actions on a cognitive or mental level by talking about it, repeating affirmations over and over again or decide you will change your thinking or actions, but does it really change your situation for a life time? 

What you actually want to address is the core of the issue:

The karmic imprint.

That’s what you want to work on to clear it from the core. My Energy Healings, which I’ve developed using my own unique technique, address karmic imprints. But…

also does the other modality that I use and that is:

Compassion Key.

What is Compassion Key?

Developed by spiritual teacher Edward Mannix, the Compassion Key® is a simple, but powerful clearing modality that goes deep into the core of the issue and gently but strongly touches and heals the karmic cause of what needs to heal.

With Compassion Key you heal your inner child and clear karmic imprints or distortions. It heals any emotional wound or trauma. We use your compassion, directed inwards towards wounded aspects or aspects of yourself, to dissolve trauma imprints. I’m a certified Level 1 practitioner. Right now I’m studying further to become a certified Master Practitioner. And I also signed up for the final follow up course: Circle Leader. Yes, I go ALL IN and I’m excited to learn e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g about Compassion Key. 

You, as the one being healed, are actively participating in giving compassion to the wounded aspect. It’s the part of you that needs healing and attention, so you can integrate it. Healing means to make whole, to integrate the fragmented parts back into the oneness of you.

Your wounded aspects is waiting for you…

Your wounded aspect wants to be acknowlegded by you. It wants to be seen and it wants to be heard by you. Your wounded aspect is waiting for your love and compassion. And you do that during a Compassion Key session. I’m here for you and I’ll guide you patiently along the way. 

compassion to heal yourself

During the session your wounded aspect could appear as your inner child or we could even go deeper, where even a past life or parallel life can show up. Like I wrote before… we go to the core of the issue. Therefore the Compassion Key is your gateway to profound personal transformation and healing.

So, in short…

I’ll guide you in using your compasssion to heal yourself.

Don’t worry, the whole session I’m here for you. You and me. We’ll do this together.

The results can be very powerful. Some clients see big changes after just 1 session. While others take more time, working through layers of trauma bit by bit. It depends on how much inner work you’ve done before and the type of pain we’re healing.

I invite you to be open to miracles. But also notice how small changes can create big impacts. From what I’ve seen, having small, bold steps usually results in more enduring change than having quick, dramatic shifts.

How will a session go for you?

Good question… 

Honestly, it’s hard to say until we begin. I don’t know exactly what will come up or which direction we will go. Because…

This process follows it’s own path.  

  • It can’t be controlled 
  • It can’t be measured
  • Or planned out in advance. 

OK. Let me say it up front: this is NOT talk therapy and we do NOT work with the conscious mind. We go straight to the heart and the energy of your wounds.

This is deep soul work.

We’re working with the wounds that block your soul’s light from shining fully.

Do you want to work on that?

Work with me

I love working with people who are committed to making lasting changes.

You can book a single session here if you’re new. But if you want my honest opinion, I advise you to go for one of the packages, so you will release multiple karmic layers. 

I currently offer:

  • single Compassion Key session of maximum 1,5 hour
  • discount package of 3 x 1,5 hour sessions
  • discount package of 7 x 1,5 hour sessions

If you’ve never worked with me before and you’re not sure what you need, please schedule a free Clarity Call. 

Already many others were open to receive my Compassion Key sessions…

Here is what they say: 


I’m so passionate about offering sessions where profound transformations unfold, both during and after. For me, witnessing these life-changing shifts is truly fulfilling. See the lasting impact the Compassion Key has had on others who’ve taken the leap:

“I am very impressed by Doris’s gifts. She was able to channel the perfect clearing statements for me.

She held space with love and non judgment. I felt heard and understood. This has allowed me to release stuck emotions as well as come to peace with my past. Thank you Doris!

Immense gratitude for coming into her path. I highly recommend her work.”

Caroline Thay, France

“I had a few sessions with Doris with the Compassion Key method. I am getting to know Doris for a while now, and I love her ability to listen very attentively, and be compassionate and warm.

In fact right from the start I felt calm and safe with her, and now it has widened and expanded. It is very easy for me to open up to her. She is nonjudgmental and listens with so much love and care. I felt her attention go deep and wide.

I highly recommend her with all my heart to acompany you on your journey.

I can’t wait to see what will our next sessions unfold.”

Ziv Tsfati, Israel

“I had a session with Doris during a time when I was scared and finding it difficult to sleep. I wasn’t in a great place.

She was patient and compassionate and helped me to heal a deeply wounded part of myself. After the session I had a really good nights sleep, which was a huge relief.

Doris is highly intuitive and went straight to the issue and helped to resolve it very quickly. I will definitely be working with her again.”

Kulvinder Jhalli, UK

sessions & packages

There is nothing quite like the profound sense of fulfillment that comes with giving 1:1 sessions. The knowledge that I am able to help others on their journey towards healing and self-discovery is truly humbling and deeply rewarding.

Work with me:

1:1 Compassion Key session

1 sesson



€ 177

(including VAT)

– 1:1 private session. So, only you and me

– Fully focus on you

– Only 1x single CK session

– Maximum 1,5 hour

– Online via Zoom



I want this
Taste the power of CK

1:1 Compassion key package

3 sessions 


€ 531

€ 480 

(including VAT)

– Discounted package:
3 sessions (saving € 51) 

– 3 sessions of 1,5 hours each

– 3x €160 per session

– 1:1 only you and me

– Fully focus on you

– Online via Zoom

– Package valid for 1 year

Let's go
Let’s Clear a few Karmic imprints

1:1 compassion key package 

7 sessions


€ 1239

€ 1050

(including VAT)

Best value: package of 7 sessions (saving € 189)

– 7 sessions of 1,5 hours each

– Only € 150 per session

– 1:1 only you and me

– Fully focus on you

– Online via Zoom

– Package valid for 1 year

I'm fully committed
Most popular & beneficial one to clear multiple karmic shit

More Testimonials

Receiving feedback like this after a session truly touches me to the core:

My intention was to give attention to a younger aspect of myself that didn´t feel seen, heard or good enough. During the session Doris helped me retrace these feelings back to the earliest point in my life I could remember. I went back to memories of my father being emotionally absent during my childhood and the sadness it caused me to not be seen by my father. I internalized it and somehow concluded I wasn´t good enough to be heard and seen.

I then had an epiphany, a clear knowing, of how my father experienced the same thing during his childhood with his father. I then became aware of the pattern of my whole lineage of my male ancestors that were raised without being seen or heard by a father who was emotionally absent. And it all came down that the men in my family lineage weren´t allowed to feel and express their true emotions and be connected to their hearts. This brought up so much sadness within myself that I cried for a long time during and after the session. It was a hugh release and I felt an immediate sense of relief and peace.

I found it wonderful to work with Doris; she is kind, emphatic, intuitive and can hold space very well. I felt very comfortable and at ease while working with her, which allowed to me to surrender to the process and go deep within my own sadness. And even that of my ancestors.

This was to me a big step in healing my abandonment wound related to my father. And I do feel already more compassion and love for my father, cause deep down I know he was abandoned himself as a child. And I feel compassion for all my ancestors that carry this pain. Although there is still more inner work to do, I feel the younger aspect of myself that felt hurt feels much more loved and accepted.

Thank you Doris for this profound and valuable shift in consciousness regarding my abandonment wound and my father´s lineage. I would absolutely recommend working with Doris!

Robbi Cuijpers, the Netherlands
Ik voelde me geblokkeerd in mijn leven en kon mijn vinger er niet op leggen wat het precies was. Doris bracht mij tijdens mijn compassion key sessie heel liefdevol, snel en effectief terug bij een herinnering van een ervaring van eeuwen geleden, die ik heel duidelijk kon verbinden aan mijn ervaringen en gevoelens in het NU. Het was als een soort emdr voor trauma in een vorig leven, heel bijzonder en mooi! Daarna heeft er een enorme shift plaatsgevonden in mijn staat van zijn, mijn gedachten en emoties waardoor alles beter stroomt. Er wachten nog meer blokkades om te worden opgelost dus dit is zeker voor herhaling vatbaar!
Fanny Willems, the Netherlands

The session of Compassion Key® with Doris brought me relief and new insights. Doris was very patient and attentive, and clearly focused on the best possible outcome. Thanks!

Hilde Bigaré, Spain
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